Preserving Nature

Cultivating Sustainability

ECO Park’s Benefits to Farmers

Provides economies of scale, increasing yields, and boosting productivity, catering to the growing global demand for organics. Additionally, they can aid in the development of a Jamaican organic brand, enhancing their market competitiveness.

Conventional Farmers

Can benefit from ECO Bounty Park by reducing fertilizer costs and using fewer chemicals, thus promoting more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Consumer Benefits

From ECO Bounty Park through access to healthier foods and a greater understanding of conservation and biodiversity, while eco-tourists gain an enhanced appreciation for these principles, contributing to sustainable tourism.

The Government

Stands to benefit significantly from ECO Bounty Park through the creation of over 1500 well-paying agriculture jobs, supporting their ecotourism objectives, expanding the tax base, and reducing the trade imbalance through increased exports.

Graduating Students

Benefit from employment in their field of study. Student exchange between established Canadian Universities and local universities and colleges. Faculties would benefit from research study grants and working in advanced areas of climate change studies.